CP7 Pitching Lab

 CP7 Pitching Lab is a culture where Pitchers of all skills from 8 years old all the way to Professional learn to maximize the skills you were given. It's a place where your ceiling as a pitcher is as high as your work ethic will allow you to go. Every Pitcher gets their own custom throwing program that has specific things for them to do during different days of the week. Pitchers are surrounded by others on the same mission as them in a highly competitive environment.  While we don't guarantee velocity gains, we have seen an average increase of a little over 5 mph in the past year. We pride ourselves on not being just "throwers" but complete all around pitchers. 


 CP7 Pitching Lab is an all-around program that is built to make the complete pitcher. The program is designed to make pitchers move better, develop pitches, velocity, and spin rate. Although Velocity is the goal, it is a byproduct of the program as players stay disciplined in the regiment.

 The program is for all positions and not just pitchers as arm strength/health is needed. The program will also entail mental training, movement patterns, and a post throwing recovery program that will allow athletes to recover better.

Arm Care is Important as Ever

In the modern baseball training world athletes are pushing their bodies to their limits all the time, and velocities have been skyrocketing upwards. Baseball Players need arm care in order to help limit injuries as much as possible. Another bonus for doing arm care is the performance component. Athletes who have stronger/more stable joints will be able to throw harder.